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What is a CryoSlimming Treatment?

Reduces Body Fat with Sub-Zero Temperatures

CryoSlimming is a type of cryoskin treatment that focuses mainly on cellulite reduction for body contouring by utilizing sub-zero temperatures. The procedure is non-invasive and absolutely painless. The entire session lasts about an hour.  It is an ideal solution for candidates who are unable to get rid of stubborn body fat through diet and exercise alone.

How Does CryoSlimming Work?

CryoSlimming involves the use of a wand device that is managed by a computerized system to ensure a rapid warming and cooling process while preventing damage to the surrounding skin tissue.  The device treats the skin via massage techniques while alternating temperatures between +4C and -4C.  A special gel is also applied to the treated area in order to protect it from cold temperatures.

Slimming occurs during apoptosis.  Apoptosis is a process when fat cells are exposed to cold temperatures in the hypodermis, thereby leading to programmed cell death.  Since fat cells are more affected by cold temperatures than other cells, fat reduction via apoptosis is particularly effective without damaging other surrounding cells.  The dead cells are then flushed out through the lymphatic system, thus resulting in a slimmer area.

Possible Benefits of CryoSlimming

CryoSlimming is ideal for targeting localized fat reduction in the following regions:

1  Abdomen

2  Love handles

3  Upper and inner thighs

4  Double chin

How Quickly Will I See Results?

Since everybody is different, results vary from person to person.  Most people will generally see results after the first session.  However, the best results from each session will appear 2 to 3 weeks after your procedure, when your body has completed flushing out the dead fat cells.

Multiple sessions will likely produce better results.  A treatment program of 5 sessions, performed once every 14 days, is recommended for the best results.

How Long Do Those Results Last?

Depending on the individual’s lifestyle, health, and diet, results generally last at least several months.  We recommend at least 1 treatment every 6 months to maintain results.

How Do I Prepare for a CryoSlimming Treatment?

Follow the guidelines below before a CryoSlimming session to maximize results.

1  Avoid consuming anything that contains sugar 2 hours before a session.

2  Drink enough water in order to stay hydrated.

3  Avoid activities that can increase your body temperature at least 1 hour before a session.

4  Avoid skin exfoliation on the treated area.

5  Avoid skin products that can cause skin irritation.

6  For laser hair removal and waxing, wait until the treated area is fully healed before a session.

How Often Can I Get CryoSlimming Treatment?

Generally, one treatment every 14 days is more than enough for CryoSlimming.  Since your body is responsible for processing the dead fat cells during cryoskin treatment, it is best not to overwork your body in order to avoid negative effects such as fatigue.

Is CryoSlimming Painful?

CryoSlimming treatment is absolutely painless, and many people find it relaxing.  However, you do experience a localized cold sensation that is similar to a deep tissue ice massage.

If the sensation becomes too cold, your aesthetician will shift to a different area until you are ready to continue.  Also, a special gel is applied to your skin, thus protecting it from extremely low temperatures.

Is CryoSlimming Safe?

CryoSlimming is generally safe.  Some people reported temporary changes in skin color immediately after treatment.  However, the treatment is not recommended for pregnant women or people with the following conditions:

1  Raynaud’s Syndrome

2  Diabetes

3  Circulation issues

4  Cancer

5  Allergies to colds

Are There Side Effects?

There are no major side effects associated with Cryoskin treatment.  However, some people reported experiencing mild redness or irritation in the treated areas, but they gradually subsided after several hours.  You may also urinate a bit more, since your body excretes dead fat cells via urine.

How Do I Enhance the Results?

You can enhance the results by maintaining an exercise program, a good diet, and a healthy lifestyle.

Is It Safe to Work Out After a Treatment?

Since CryoSlimming has no downtown, you can return to your daily activities immediately after treatment.


CryoSlimming can reduce excess body fat.  However, a healthy lifestyle, a good diet, and an exercise
program are still needed to maintain results.